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health care



Employer-Based Health Insurance Is On Its Way Out

So why do we get our healthcare from the boss in the first place?


For Greener Hospitals, Start by Doing Less Harm

Hospitals use more energy per square foot than almost any other type of building in America. But experts are thinking about how to change that.


GOOD Maker Winner: Text Messages Boost Immunizations and Save Lives in India

More than 500 parents will receive critical vaccination alerts for their newborns via text message.


The Young Epidemic: The Rise of Type 2 Diabetes in Children

What is this chronic disease, and how does it relate to America's obesity crisis?


People Are Awesome: Free Health Care Treats Occupy Wall Street

With cold and flu season hitting New York, medical professionals are leaving the hospital and going to Zuccotti Park.

Infographic: See How Much Your Health Care Costs Are Rising

We're all spending more dough on staying alive.


Can Progressives Reclaim 'Obamacare'?

Conservatives use "Obamacare" as a slur, but a new campaign is fighting back.


Can a GOOD Company Cut the Cost of Health Care?

Health care is costly because there isn't enough information for consumers. One GOOD Company has plans to change all that.


GOODCo Finalist: An Innovative Company Makes Health Care Cheaper

GOODCo finalists AthenaHealth and Castlight Health are bringing innovation to the health care sector.


Money Can't Buy You Health Care

A new report says financial considerations aren't the biggest barrier keeping people from regular health care.


This Social Network Helps You Find Cheap Health Care

At a time when medical costs are through the roof, a new social network spreads the word about health care bargains.

The Cost of Being Female: How Much the Average Woman Spends on a Lifetime of Basic Health Care

GOOD maps out how much cash a woman would save in a lifetime if her basic health needs were covered.


Are Early Interventions the Key to Ending the Black Male Education Crisis?

Scholars say we need to focus intervention efforts for black boys on pre-K through third grade, but the methods raise plenty of questions.


Vermont's Single Payer System: Coming to State Near You?

The plan already has progressives buzzing, but is Vermont's new health-care system a model that can work in other states?