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health insurance

Michael Jordan at a podium

Jordan speaking at a ribbon cutting ceremony for one of the earlier Novant Health clinics in 2019.



Caleb Medley, Shot in the Eye in Aurora, Needs Help

The Aurora massacre has been especially hard on victims without health insurance. Here's a way to help one of them.


Health Care Hustlin': Advice for the Uninsured

Ideally we'd all be insured, but there are ways to get health care on the cheap.


Employer-Based Health Insurance Is On Its Way Out

So why do we get our healthcare from the boss in the first place?


Obama Has Insured 2.5 Million 20-Somethings. Will That Make Us Vote For Him?

If Obama knows what's good for him, he'll use this health care coup to woo back his most ardent supporters. But will it be enough?


Vermont's Single Payer System: Coming to State Near You?

The plan already has progressives buzzing, but is Vermont's new health-care system a model that can work in other states?


"Will Marry for Health Insurance!"

It's finally come to this: Terri Carlson is a beautiful 45-year-old woman who was born with the genetic immune disorder C-4 complement deficiency....