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herman cain



Herman Cain Isn't an 'Uncle Tom,' He's Rich

If you're calling the black GOP darling an Uncle Tom, you're no better than any other racist.


How Does Herman Cain Prove His Innocence? By Trotting Out His Wife, Of Course

When it comes to sexism, a politician has no choice but to convince the public that if his loyal wife believes him, we should, too.


Can Herman Cain Shake Off Those Sexual Harassment Charges? Easily Can Herman Cain Shake Off Those Sexual Harassment Charges? Easily.

Reports of sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain threaten to end his campaign. But never fear, Herman, there's a time-worn path to redemption.


Hermain Cain: Not Your Next President, Your Next Sarah Palin

Though he maintains that he's a devoted Christian, Herman Cain looks to be a man made in her image.


The Godfather: Why Herman Cain Is Good for Black America Why Herman Cain Is Good for Black America

Regardless of his politics, Herman Cain is a reminder of the depth and breadth of the African-American community.