Articles "Facebook Class" Made Stanford Students Millionaires One of Professor B.J. Fogg's homework assignments for his 2007 "Facebook Class" was to create an app for the site. Doing well really paid off.Liz Dwyer12 May, 2011
Articles Studies Support Rewards, Homework, and Traditional Teaching—Or Do They? It's smart to be skeptical of education studies that seem to support traditional practices.Alfie Kohn09 Apr, 2011
Articles Could the Khan Academy Close the Achievement Gap? Salman Khan and our publisher head to the Dylan Ratigan Show to talk about flipping traditional school upside down.Liz Dwyer25 Mar, 2011
Articles The Rubik's Cube Makes a Math Class Comeback Think you can solve a Rubik's Cube in under two minutes? Math teachers are showing kids how.Liz Dwyer09 Nov, 2010
Articles Five Tips for Drama-free Homework Homework's been around as long as schools -after all, kids need to practice the concepts they learn during the day. But, homework time can be...Liz Dwyer20 Mar, 2010