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Watch the Mast Brothers Make Chocolate the Old-Fashioned Way

A well-made video about two men with powerful beards who make chocolate the old-fashioned way.


Chicken Nuggets: Is That How They're Made? A GOOD Fact Check

After investigating, it turns out that while the making of chicken nuggets is still disgusting, its not quite as disgusting as we thought.


This Is How Bacon Is Made

This video shows the making of bacon, on an industrial scale. Look at those pork bellies softening in the tumbler. How appetizing.


Watch the Surprisingly Personal Process of How Ink Is Made

In the following video, watch as a chief ink maker takes us through the surprisingly personal process of ink creation.


This Is How a Chicken Nugget Is Made (UPDATED)

Mechanically separated chicken is what you get when you grind an entire chicken through a sieve, soak it in ammonia, and add flavor artificially.


How Books Were Made

This book-binding video is heartwarmingly wonderful. You can watch after the jump. Via Core77.