People share tips for remembering that you've locked the door. Photo credit: CanvaCulture The 5 best ideas to never forget if you locked the door before leaving the house Ryan ReedFeb 13, 2025
Articles A Bottle Opener That Alerts Your Friends It's Time to Drink What if all you had to do to throw a party was open a beer, just like in the commercials? Welcome to the future.Cord Jefferson20 May, 2011
Articles How Do We Prepare Kids for Jobs We Can't Imagine Yet? Teach Imagination Schools need to prep students to be successful in jobs we haven't even imagined yet, but we can't do it if we stick with industrial age teaching.Liz Dwyer07 May, 2011
Articles Idea: Give Prostitutes Amnesty to Catch a Serial Killer Might making prostitutes and their clients unafraid of police lead to a serial killer's arrest?Cord Jefferson23 Apr, 2011
Articles First Different, Then Better How Elliot Washor and Big Picture Learning are changing what it means to innovate. “We call these Do-Be-Do’s. It’s the ‘first different, then...Samuel Steinberg Seidel05 Jun, 2010
Articles Why Saving the World Requires More Than Just a Good Idea How college students can become social entrepreneurs. Two weeks ago, for the NCIIA’s annual March Madness for the Mind, we brought 16 college...Jennifer Keller Jackson16 Apr, 2010
Articles GOOD Design: LA (A Belated Recap) Way back on December 18th, we held GOOD Design: LA as the second to last night of the GOOD December happenings here at the community space below...Casey Caplowe06 Jan, 2009
Articles Environmental Arithmetic with Dr. Harry Atwater Last night, I had the good fortune of attending a Townhall Conversation on Sustainability we hosted here at GOOD. It featured the very smart...Casey Caplowe15 Dec, 2008
Articles What's the Big Idea? with Danny DeVito We invited Danny DeVito to appear on the cover of our Big Ideas! issue. Mr. DeVito, if you're reading this: we loved working with you. Please...Ariel ShulmanLindsay UtzSupermarchéHenry JoostDie Romantik13 Dec, 2007