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Rahm's Not a Resident, Says Illinois Appellate Court

Turns out, moving to Washington D.C. for over a year doesn't a Chicago resident make.


Chicago Group Challenges Mayoral Control of Schools

If he wins the Chicago mayoral race, will Rahm Emanuel agree to give up control of the city's schools?


OptimistiCartography: Every State is Good at Something

An infographic that lists something—from PhDs to teen pregnancies—that each state has or produces more of than its forty-nine rivals.


Horseshoe Sandwiches Are Delicious And Will Kill You

The horseshoe is a culinary quirk of Springfield, Illinois. It consists of toast, the meat product of your choice, fries, and cheese sauce.


Results at Arne Duncan's First Chicago Turnaround School Raise Efficacy and Legal Questions

Arne Duncan believes in "turnaround" schools, but are they effective, and are they legal?


We're Getting Our Kicks on Route 66

We took a detour off I-55 to see some of the sights off Old Route 66.


Mysterious Horses in Central Illinois

About three miles west of Fairbury, Illinois, you'll find a row of bouncy horses in the midst of miles and miles of cornfields.


Illinois Voters Get Naked

The state of Illinois now allows its citizens to vote via mail. They can, in fact, vote naked. Watch them do it.