This New Site Lets You Suggest and Peruse the Amazing Apps of Tomorrow Internet Wishlist: The Suggestion Box for the Future of Technology
The Internet Wishlist is collecting ideas for apps and websites people are wishing for.
Sure, it seems like there's an app for everything. But we're not quite there yet. There are still many practical problems with seemingly simple solutions that have yet to materialize, like this:
I wish someone would use the foursquare API to build a cab-sharing app to help you split a ride home at the end of the night.
Or this:
I wish there was a website where non-profits could ask for what they need and people could work for them from home.
Meet the Internet Wishlist, a "suggestion box for the future of technology." Composed of hopeful tweets from people around the world, the site ends up reading like a mini-blog of requests for mobile apps, basic grand dreaming, and tech-focused humor posts. All kidding aside, though, creator Amrit Richmond hopes the list will ultimately lead to a bit of demand-driven design.
To contribute, people post an idea on Twitter and include #theiwl in their tweet. Richmond then collects the most "forward thinking" onto the Wishlist website. (Full disclosure, she's a former Art Editor here at GOOD and now a creative strategist for nonprofits and start-ups.)
"I hope the project inspires entrepreneurs, developers and designers to innovate and build the products and features that people want," Richmond says. "I see so many startups try and solve problems that don't need solving. ... I wanted to uncover and show what kinds of day-to-day problems people have that they want technology to solve for them."
The list already has an active community of posters, who are quick to point out when there's already an app or website fulfilling a poster's wish. For instance, several commenters pointed out that people can already connect with nonprofits and do micro-volunteering from home through Sparked.
To see the full wishlist or subscribe, go here.
What would you ask for?