Health Why the iPhone 11 is making people with trypophobia experience panic and revulsion TperrySep 19, 2019
Articles Bike to Work, Earn Money For International Food Aid A new app will donate money to the charity of your choice on your behalf. All you have to do is walk, run, or bike—anywhere, any time.Sammy Roth22 Jun, 2012
Articles Intermission: A Duet with Siri Siri has found a man, or at least a duet partner.Nina Lincoff25 Oct, 2011
Articles Why I Dumped My iPhone—And Why I'm Not Going Back I was glued to my phone, until I realized it was making my life easier, not better.Sam Graham-Felsen06 Oct, 2011
Articles Timely: An iPhone App That Warns You When Earthquakes Are Coming In the wake of its tragic earthquake, Japan gets an iPhone app to alert residents to future tremors. Let's hope America's next.Cord Jefferson26 Aug, 2011
Articles This Solar Bikini Charges Your iPod on the Beach A solar-powered bathing suit keeps you connected while you're tanning.Nona Willis Aronowitz14 Jun, 2011
Articles The Talk-o-Meter: Measure the Give and Take in Your Conversations Find yourself stuck in conversations where you can't get a word in edgewise? Here's the app for you. Hopefully there's a way to use it tactfully.Andrew Price08 Jun, 2011
Articles Chinese iPhone Factory Reduces Suicides, But Also Loses Profits Foxconn, Chinese Apple Supplier, Cleans Up Its Act, Now Needs to Make Money The turnaround tale from suicides to smiles at Foxconn, Chinese iPhone maker is not over yet. Now they have to make a profit!Alex Goldmark11 May, 2011
Articles Death of the Flip Cam: What's the Future of Video in the Classroom? Teachers loved the easy-to-use video cameras for classroom projects. Now that Cisco's killed them off, what's next?Liz Dwyer17 Apr, 2011
Articles An iPad Case for Your Inner Book Nerd Pad & Quill's line of cases for e-readers have the look, feel, and even pleasantly musty smell of your favorite leather-bound classic edition book.Elisa Huang28 Mar, 2011
Articles Got E-Waste? Target, RadioShack Will Buy Your Old iPhone Target and RadioShack are buying old gadgets, making it all the easier to keep e-waste out of landfills.Patrick James07 Feb, 2011
Articles Apple Ranked Dead Last on Pollution, Workplace Safety in China Apple Slammed by Chinese Environmental Groups Apple ranks dead last in supply chain transparency in China. Are they hypocrites or just being singled out?Alex Goldmark23 Jan, 2011
Articles Daytum: An App to Help You Track Your Life's Statistics Now you can obsessively record how many books you read, or how many photos you take, just like Nicholas Felton!Good Is07 Jan, 2011
Articles Intermission: This Is How Cities and Technology Should Work This video, produced by Veoila Transport, who operates public transit systems throughout North America, illustrates the ideal way that our mobile devices should interact with our cities.Alissa Walker10 Dec, 2010
Articles In the Future, You Will Use Your Phone to Save Energy Apps designed to integrate with your electricity meter are just starting to hit the market. What's available, and what's on the horizon?Ariel Schwartz05 Dec, 2010
Articles Damon Winter Uses His iPhone to Photograph Afghanistan The equipment matters far less than the subject-and the skill of the photographer, as Damon Winter proves in his new series for the Lens.Patrick James25 Nov, 2010