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This 404 Message is Anti-Google Art

MTO’s “We Live On Google Earth” provokes debate on corporate hegemony and censorship.


Cheese So Good, You Can Take It to the Bank

An Italian financial institution accepts valuable Parmigiano-Reggiano as collateral from struggling farmers.


Italy’s Government is Not Cool with Anti-Mosque Laws

Italy’s consitutional court is reviewing a law many consider Islamophobic.

Recipes as Resistance

The man who invented the “eggplant-parmesan rave” is out to save traditional Italian cooking.


Hot Wheels: 100 Designers Create 100 Simple Wooden Cars That Kids Love

100 Italian designers created wooden cars, intended as toys that kids would actually want to keep.


GOOD Ideas for Cities: Three Ideas for Venice, Italy

At an event held at the 13th International Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy, three teams of architects presented their concepts for the city.


Open Source Urbanism: Venice Biennale Puts Spotlight On Renegade Redesigners

Exhibit honors yarn bombers, guerrilla gardeners and all manner of DIY civic activists as agents of radical creative disruption.


Ethical Style: How Ethical Is 'Artisanal' Production? Are 'Artisanal' Products More Ethical?

"Artisanal” no longer necessarily signifies hand-made, skilled craftsmanship. It means whatever a company says it does.


Is This the End of the European Union?

Europe's financial crisis is undermining one of the great global experiments in democracy and economics.


Garbage Covers Italy's Historic Spanish District in Naples

As you can see from these photos, the historic Spanish district in Naples is currently littered with garbage.


Infographic: How Your Diet Affects the Planet

How many Earth's worth of resources would the world's population consume if we all ate a Italian, Malaysian, or American diet.


Maurizio Cattelan's New Sculpture: A "Screw You" to Somebody

New in front of the stock exchange in Milan: A giant hand, middle finger extended.


Not a New York Minute

How four Italian cities bucked the traditional urban growth model and started an international trend called Cittaslow. In the...


Turning the Tables

Tracing the slow-food movement back to its feisty Italian roots. Like so many other aspects of modern life, slow food can...