Articles Actually, Many Muslim Terrorists Are as Unbalanced as Jared Loughner Cord JeffersonJan 15, 2011
Articles Sarah Palin Is Wrong to Equate Jared Loughner's Illness with 'Evil' Cord JeffersonJan 15, 2011
Articles Arizona Bans Westboro Baptist Church Protest at Nine Year Old Victim's Funeral Should Protest Be Permitted at Young Arizona Shooting Victim's Funeral? Alex GoldmarkJan 14, 2011
Articles Crosshairs and Targets: Innocent Symbols or Incendiary Iconography? [Updated] A map that placed crosshairs over Gabrielle Giffords's Congressional district raises issues about inflammatory political rhetoric.Alissa Walker14 Jan, 2011
Articles Arizonans Rush to Buy Glocks After Shooting Arizonans are flocking to the gun store following Saturday's deadly shooting.Cord Jefferson13 Jan, 2011
Articles Places Jared Loughner Wouldn't Have Been Able to Own His Gun, and Why In many countries and states, Jared Loughner wouldn't have been able to legally own the gun he used to allegedly kill six people. Here's why.Cord Jefferson13 Jan, 2011
Articles White Guy Shooting = Crazy; Brown Guy Shooting = Terrorist Why Is Nobody Calling Jared Loughner a Terrorist? Few people are willing to call Jared Loughner a terrorist, but the media coverage was quite different when a Muslim man attacked Fort Hood.Cord Jefferson12 Jan, 2011
Articles Alleged Tucson Shooter's Insane MySpace and YouTube Videos: 'Goodbye Friends' Jared Lee Loughner's MySpace Page and YouTube Videos Before he allegedly shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head, Jared Lee Loughner left some chilling warning signs around the internet.Cord Jefferson12 Jan, 2011