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Inside the Minds of 11-Year Olds From Around the World

A new documentary probes the special moral clarity of 11-year old children.


People Are Awesome: See What Happens When a Bunch of City Kids Climb a Mountain

Kids feel accomplished and the sense of great wonder and joy they took from being in nature for the first time.


Creating a Culture of Creativity for Every Child

Schools often sort kids into 'gifted' or 'slow' tracks, but this system leaves kids behind. It's important to foster creativity in kids of all levels.


Dealbreaker: She Wanted Kids

I feel I’m doing our crippled economy a favor by shooting for zero offspring. She wanted four.


The Raffi of Food Allergies: Inside the Allergic-Kid Economy

Kyle Dine sings songs for kids who hate nuts. And as more and more American kids develop food allergies, his fan base is only getting bigger.


Why Is It So Hard To Put Imagination Back Into Schools? Imagination Summit Discusses Creativity In Schools

A national "Imagination Summit" wants to help schools figure out how to bring creativity and innovation to the classroom. Is it really that difficult?


Kids of Color Consume a Lot More Media Than White Kids

A new study finds there's a huge difference in how much white and nonwhite children consume media.


The Future Is Lonely: Why I'm Only Having One Kid

Being an only child kinda sucked. But there’s no doubt that my future child will be one.


Meet the World's First Solar Powered Study Lantern

Thanks to this solar lantern, for less than $10, students living without electricity could have light to study by when the sun goes down.


Can This Super High-Tech Bike Get Kids Interested in Engineering?

Kids are into tricked-out bikes. And a specimen like Alpha just might get them interested in the STEM subjects as well.


Generation WTF?: Thousands of Teenagers Ask, "Who Is Osama?"

In the wake of the terrorist's assassination, Generation 9/11 reveals that it's not very clued in about international politics.


Kids Remind Us What a Tough Year 2010 Was for the Climate

A two-minute video of kids talking climate might well be the best environmental year in review for 2010.


Kids' Letters to Michelle Obama

The clever folks at 826 have assembled a book of student letters to Michelle Obama.


Why the School Lunch Bill Is a Historic Victory

One of the last victories to be secured by the Democratic Congress, the school food bill increases the quality of school food we serve to kids.


Borders Wants to Give You a $15 Donors Choose Gift Card

Want to pick up the latest novel and hook up a classroom with much-needed resources? This weekend you can do both.