Articles This Social Enterprise of Weavers in a Thai Hill Tribe Lifts the Whole Community Sarah StankorbJun 07, 2013
Articles After Giving Hundreds of Kiva Loans, I Learned the Five Most Important Words of My Life Bob HarrisMar 28, 2013
Articles Micro-Bias: If You Want a Kiva Loan, It Helps to Be Pretty and Light-Skinned Micro-lending sites like Kiva are an important development tool, but bias is affecting lending choices. Here's how to fix it.Alex Goldmark29 Mar, 2012
Articles Can Robots Make Amazon a Better Place to Work? The online retailer acquires a robot company to make its factories more efficient.Tim Fernholz23 Mar, 2012
Articles Crowdfunding, Why the SEC Bans It, Obama Wants It, and Banks Fear It Be Your Own Bank: New Laws Could Unleash Crowdfunding For Startups The next generation of social enterprises could be funded, and owned, by you and me, if the government opens the door.Alex Goldmark05 Oct, 2011
Articles Intermission: Watch Kiva Loans Travel the World An animated map that shows the path of every Kiva loan between 2005 and today.Megan Greenwell08 Sep, 2011
Articles Dermalogica + Kiva = Healthy Skin and Empowered Women Women are worth investing in. 82 percent of Kiva's borrowers are women, so put some female empowerment in your medicine cabinet.Rebecca Rigal13 Dec, 2010
Articles Kiva President Says FarmVille Is His Biggest Rival Should lending money to micro-enterprises around the world be like playing a game? Kiva's CEO wants it to be like playing Farmville on Facebook.Alex Goldmark15 Oct, 2010
Articles Kiva Announces Microloans for Education Kiva starts a pilot program of microlending to students in three countries. Its president compares the move to Amazon adding music to its inventory.Nikhil Swaminathan22 Sep, 2010
Articles Party: Kiva Is Four Years Old GOOD has always been a huge supporter of Kiva; we covered them when they were just getting started. Four years later, Kiva has raised almost $100...Isis Krause28 Oct, 2009
The GOOD 100: Microfinance Comes to America Microlending, U.S.A.America is waking up to the power of "micro." Twitter introduced us to microblogs. President Obama's campaign demonstrated...Alex Goldmark09 Oct, 2009
Articles GOOD S.F. Mixer, Tuesday Night This Tuesday, June 16, we're heading back to San Francisco to host a mixer at 111 Minna featuring (ri)1 cocktails, music by J Montag & Eug,...Good Is13 Jun, 2009