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lady gaga



Thirteen-Year-Old Rebecca Black's Lyrics vs. Katy Perry's Lyrics

When you make fun of Rebecca Black, you make fun of a little kid.

Transparency: The Most Profitable Concert Tours of 2010 The Most Profitable Concert Tours of 2010

The music industry might be dying, but people are still shelling out big money to see their favorite artists on tour.


Learning History to the Tune of Lady Gaga

Two extremely clever history teachers from Honolulu transform pop songs like Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" into video lessons about European aristocrats.


Celebrity Twitter Blackout Fails at AIDS Fundraising Digital Life Sacrifice AIDS Fundraiser Falls Way Short

Lady Gaga is still dead on Twitter. The 18 celebrities abstaining from social media to raise $1 million for World AIDS Day aren't even close.


Celebrity Blackout on Twitter and Facebook for World AIDS Day [UPDATED] Digital Life Sacrifice: Celebrities Go Silent on Social Media for World AIDS Day [UPDATED]

Celebrities go silent on Twitter and Facebook for World Aids Day. The only way to get Lady Gaga tweeting again is to fork over money for the cause.


Bono vs. Lady Gaga: Who Is More Influential Online?

When it comes to influence online, popularity and reach are not the same thing. So who gets the crown? And how does it apply to you?