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1 in 7 New Marriages Are Now Interracial—But Biases Still Linger

No matter how much we tout the melting-pot concept, our "personal preferences" are often tinged with ingrained stereotypes.


How the Fight for Marriage Rights Is Strengthening My Relationship

The fight for marriage rights is a roller coaster. Of love.


Open Marriages Aren't Wrong–Newt Gingrich Is

Newt Gingrich isn't the poster child for healthy open marriages. He is a prime example of how a sexist, repressive culture hurts relationships.


Five Things More Likely to Save Marriage Than an Anti-Porn Crusade

Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum signed an anti-porn pledge to save marriage. If they really cared about matrimony, they'd do these things instead.


The Year in Marriage

We fiercely defend marriage even as we perpetually redefine it. This year was no exception.


The Marriage Paradox

Half of young people think matrimony is becoming "obsolete." So why do we still want to do it so badly?


Cohabitation Is the New Marriage

Living in sin used to be social suicide, but couples are now afforded the space to conduct their private business privately.


Why I'm Glad Kim Kardashian Got Divorced

Someone needed to burst the bubble of the "storybook wedding" fantasy.


Marriage Isn't Sacred

Let Kim Kardashian's 10-week romance serve as a reminder that love, not marriage, is what's holy.


Nearly Beloved: How to Celebrate the Day You Don't Get Married

Weddings have become such a mega-monster event in the United States, it seems appropriate to offer some kind of shadow event.


Intermission: A Wedding Proposal by Flash Mob

A man proposes to his girlfriend with the help of a giant flash mob on the UCLA campus


The Conservative Evolution of Gay Marriage

While 57 percent of people under 30 see gay sex as "morally acceptable," only 46 percent of them would say the same about having an abortion.


How Marriage (and Divorce) Tips the Scales for Men and Women Weight Gain Trends in Marriage and Divorce

Marriage is linked to a heightened risk for significant weight gain among women. For men, the pounds come a little bit later—after the divorce.


Are Wedding Bells a Prerequisite For Raising Healthy Kids?

A new study says kids are worse off with unmarried, cohabiting parents. But it's not because their folks haven't tied the knot.


Should You Move for Your Partner?

As couples fall into cohabitation earlier and delay marriage later, moving to a new city for a partner has become a relationship rite of passage.


Planning Your Indie Wedding: A Modern-Day Cautionary Fable

Blend Etsy impulses and well-to-do lefties with pressure-cooker marriage culture, and you just might end up with hobo-themed wedding.