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Controversial Photo Series Explores The Lack Of Boundaries Women Feel In Everyday Life

The photos depict what it feels like for the average young female professional engaging in daily activities like going to yoga or being at work.

12 non-threatening leadership strategies for women

?We mustn't hurt a man's feelings.


Woman shares texts showing the difference between a healthy and a controlling relationship.

Woman shares texts showing the difference between a healthy and controlling relationship


Can Bow Ties and Barber Shops Bring Black Men Together?

What will it take to bring black men together? And, where can black men claim a space to proliferate even the simplest of traditions in peace?


How Do Couples Decide Who Takes Out the Trash?

In heterosexual relationships, if the guy always takes out the trash, is the couple just repeating gender stereotypes?


Why Is "Gay in America" For Men Only?

Scott Pasfield's new book of portraits busts stereotypes and widens opportunities for gay men. Gay women wish it did the same for them.


Confession: I Didn't Always Wash After Peeing; Now I Will

Let's settle one of man's greatest debates: You really should be washing your hands after you pee.


You Won't Attract Women with Cellphone Pictures of Your Penis

With yet another public figure involved in a penis-pic scandal, it's time to say enough with the unsolicited cellphone crotch shots.


Why So Serious? Because Chicks Dig It! Women Find Happy Men Less Attractive Than Grumps

A new study says women are more attracted to moody men than happy men. On your next date, wipe that smile off your face.


Women Now Earning More Bachelor's and Graduate Degrees Than Men

You go, girl! Women are racking up the degrees in record numbers.


Rejected From College: If You're a Woman, A Less-Qualified Man Probably Took Your Spot

Men are getting a leg up in the admissions game, all in favor of "gender balance."


All of These Products Will Help You Sleep with Women

It seems that women in commercials just can't get enough of men who buy things.


No Woman, No Cry: Women's Tears a Turnoff for Men

A new study says crying women are a turnoff for men.

Six Dangerous Products Men Use Daily — And What To Use Instead

Men use an average of six products a day. Here's how to replace them naturally. (Your sperm will thank you.)