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mental health

A photo of a woman with her fingers in her ears and a photo of a man crying

A man says that his girlfriend immediately shut down after he opened up emotionally.



Trying To Guess Which Twin Smokes Is The Perfect Way To Help You Quit

Nobody would call smoking “glamorous” after seeing these comparisons.


A viral Twitter thread about body autonomy is a reminder of the ‘fear’ and ‘shame’ women still are forced to confront.

Body autonomy means that a person has the right to whatever they want with their own body.


A student's brilliant homework response outsmarted a teacher's ridiculously sexist question.

This 8-year-old proved she was far more enlightened than her teacher with this clever response.


20 things you didn't realize you were doing because of childhood emotional abuse.

Experiencing emotional abuse growing up can have a lasting impact on an individual and we need to talk about it.


12 funny comics that might help you feel a bit less anxious today.

They were created by a British artist to help manage her own anxiety.