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Food Studies: Rescuing the Overlooked Bean

Raspberries and tomatoes are hot favorites at the farmers' market. Turnips and dried beans: not so much. What's a chili-lover to do?


The Increasingly Political and Defensive Koch Industries Twitter Feed

A chart shows just how punchy and on the ropes @Koch_Industries is feeling these days, taking their political message to Twitter.


Could Blogging Be the Key to Raising a Generation of Great Writers?

A Minnesota teacher is helping her students set up blogs and gain a readership. The result? The kids "see themselves as writers—real writers."


Infographic: How the Koch Brothers and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Turn Democracy Into a Game of Monopoly

An easy-to-trace look at how the Koch brothers' millions are buying political favors in Minnesota.


Minnesota School Adds a Computer Repair Class

Remember when shop class was about woodworking? Not anymore. Nowadays teens are learning to rebuild computers.

Transparency: Which States Have the Drunkest Drivers

Some states seem to just attract people who make better decisions about whether or not to get in the car after drinking.


Should High Schools Sell Ad Space on Their Lockers?

Facing $3.6 million in budget cuts this year, Minnesota's Centennial school district might open its lockers to advertisers.


The World's First Carbon Tariff. Sort of.

This is interesting (and encouraging) news: The first carbon tax to reduce the greenhouse gases from imports comes not between two nations, but...