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mitt romney



Is Admitting You'll Cut Education the New Political Kiss of Death?

Mitt Romney's claims that he won't cut education are already coming back to haunt him.


What You Won't Hear in the Presidential Debates: Five Crucial Education Fixes

Students, parents, and teachers want real answers. Will the candidates give them?


Crazy If True: Hackers Claim to Hold Romney Tax Return for Ransom

First, let me say this: I don't care to see Mitt Romney's tax returns.


What Matters Most to Millennial Voters?

It's the economy, stupid. But some young voters say ending our war in Afghanistan and rethinking military spending ought to be higher on the agenda.


Romney's Solution for College Costs? Just Borrow from Your Parents

If the Romney-Ryan budget takes effect, you can forget about Pell grants as well.


Can Putting 857 Desks on the National Mall Get Education on the Election Agenda?

The installation by the "Don't Forget About Ed!" campaign urges President Obama and Mitt Romney to get serious about education.


Let's Stop Comparing Education to the Civil Rights Movement

Is the quest for racial justice for black people in America really so over that we need a new civil rights issue?


Lessons from Santorum: You Don't Have to Win to Set the Agenda

Santorum has achieved the best-case scenario of a longshot candidate: making a mark on the national conversation.


How Obama Plans to Solve Unfair Taxes—and Electoral Distress

Why does Obama want you thinking about taxes in an election year? Hint: A tough economy and Mitt Romney's enormous personal wealth.


Why Women Are Abandoning Mitt Romney

Romney's haphazard assaults on women's health manage to make him look anti-women and apathetic at the same time.


Intermission: Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?

This hilarious Eminem-inspired video pokes fun at Romney's flip-flopping tendencies.


'Mitt Romney Doesn't Care About Me': Why Voters Trust Santorum on the Economy

Mitt Romney may stay focused on the economy, but voters still think Santorum cares more about their daily lives.


Social Issues and the Economy Aren't a Zero-Sum Game

Some voters wish politicians would ignore social issues and focus on the economy. The problem is, these two things are intertwined.


Does Mitt Romney Care About You? An Economic Analysis

"I'm not concerned about the very poor. "


Hope vs. Anger: How Obama's SOTU Set the Tone for 2012

"Hope and Change: Redux" has officially begun.