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It's Official: High-speed Rail Money Announced

Exciting news: We now know where Obama's $8 billion for high-speed rail is going. Florida is getting $1.25 billion (not the $2.6 billion they had...


Biking Is Way Up in New York City. Again.

And here's another fun chart: According to the most recent data from the New York City Department of Transportation, biking in the city...


Lanes, Citizens Still Divided in Vancouver

In the GOOD 100 we applauded the idea of not only creating more space for cyclists and pedestrians on our roads, but of appropriating car lanes to...


Drive-by Texters (Go to Jail?)

For Brits who text while driving, and for those who share the road with them, things are pretty far from merry in old England. The Times just ran...


Pop!Tech ’09: An Opensource Car Company

John Rogers's company, Local Motors, is novel to say the least. It's an "open source" car company that will build and distribute their models in...


Crappy Bikes Lanes: In Pictures

Anyone who has ever ridden a bicycle knows how useless bike lanes are when they are a) not enforced, b) not respected by cabbies and other...

Transparency: Biking to Work

The battle over which North American city is the best for biking is fierce and- most likely-unresolvable. Our latest Transparency will tell...


Should We Retrofit Our Country Roads for Slow Touring?

America has thousands of miles of single-lane country roads that have fallen into desuetude. Many of them are part of the old numbered highway...


Nissan's Land Glider: Lean Wit’ It

Nissan has a new concept car out called the Land Glider. It's a tiny, light-weight electric four-wheeler that actually leans as you drive. Watch...

The GOOD 100: Cities

The New American Dream During a decade when Americans returned to cities for the first time in 50 years, it surprises me that...