Articles Free App Allows iPhone and Android Users To Encrypt Their Conversations Dana DriskillMar 03, 2015
Articles Big Idea: A Green Energy Offensive From the Department of Defense Daniel GoldfarbReese NeaderMay 09, 2012
Articles The Red Scare Osama bin Laden is dead, but the awkward, nonspecific system for measuring our collective fear remains.Keith ScharwathSpencer Ackerman15 Sep, 2011
Articles The Military-Approved Portable Clean Energy Kit Whatever you make of the military, it's pushing innovation in clean energy, and this new Mobile Renewable Power Station is leading the way.Ben Jervey09 Jun, 2011
Articles @GOOD Asks: Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Do You Feel Safer? The Community Answers Hillary Newman12 May, 2011
Articles Watch: Obama's 60 Minutes Interview on Osama bin Laden Raid Watch an excerpt of the best part, where the President describes the nerve-wracking raid.Alex Goldmark11 May, 2011
Articles Bin Laden Is Dead. Are We Any Safer? President Obama announced tonight that the United States has killed Al-Qaeda leader and 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden. He was located in...Ann Friedman04 May, 2011
Articles Operation Free Finds Cure for Oil Addiction Disorder: The EPA Is your member of Congress suffering from Oil Addiction Disorder? If so, there's something that could help: The EPABen Jervey19 Feb, 2011
Articles The "Climate Hawk" Community Gets an Attractive Logo "Climate hawks" now have a logo. But is becoming a "brand" a good thing for people who care about climate but don't want to call themselves green?Ben Jervey05 Feb, 2011
Articles Army General: Saving Energy Will Save Lives Improving energy efficiency in military operations will save the lives of our brave troops overseas.Ben Jervey15 Jan, 2011
Articles Obesity a Greater Threat to National Security than Homosexuality With the Senate still agonizing over the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," David Frum compares discharge rates for DADT and obesity.Nicola Twilley11 Dec, 2010
Articles Support Our Veterans by Securing a Clean Energy Future In honor of Veteran's Day, we highlight posts by and about some of our nation's heroes-and their efforts to secure a clean energy future.Ben Jervey14 Nov, 2010
Articles Is Obesity Tipping the Scales of the National Security Threat Level? We need programs like Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" to ensure the health-and safety-of future generations. "Lets...Mallika Chopra21 Mar, 2010
Articles Is Obesity a National Security Problem? To defend our way of life abroad we may need to reconsider how much junk food it involves at home. It's not every day that...Jean-Paul Chretien23 Nov, 2009