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online learning



Juilliard Brings Online Music Education to the Masses

Juilliard eLearning will enable anyone with an internet connection to learn from the nation's most talented musicians.


Harvard and MIT Team Up to Educate a Billion People Online

The new online learning platform edX will bring a Harvard and MIT education to the planet.


Curated Learning 'Playlists' Make It Easy to Share Knowledge Online

More reliable than a search engine, more accessible than a textbook, MentorMob crowdsources knowledge on a wide range of topics.


Why TED-Ed Lives Up to the Hype

In a sea of online learning platforms, TED-Ed actually delivers.


MIT Debuts Video Lectures For Students, By Students

Through dozens of cool, student-made videos, MIT+K12 is bringing the brainpower of college students to kids as young as kindergarten.


Should High School Students Be Required to Take Online Classes?

A new law in Virginia requires students to take an online course, but low quality and effectiveness might turn high school into a diploma mill.


New TED-Ed Platform Aims to Bring TED Talks Into the Classroom

By harnessing the expertise of educators to build out its video library, TED sends the message that teachers matter.


The Tricky Calculus of Setting a Price for MIT's Online Courses

Administrators have announced that students in the first class will receive their certificates of completion for free.


With Udacity, Former Stanford Professor Goes All-In on Online Learning

With Udacity, Sebastian Thrun wants to unleash the "true power of education."


MIT Launches Free Interactive Online Learning Platform

MITx will allow anyone in the world to take MIT classes online and earn certificates of completion.


The Edupunks' Guide: How to Teach Yourself Online

Online forums have transformed the possibilities for independent learning. Here's how to navigate the web's possibilities.


The Edupunks' Guide: How to Do Research Online

There's a knowledge revolution happening online, and there are thousands of places to educate yourself. Anya Kamenetz highlights some of the best.


Digital Boomtown: Online Learning Is on the Rise

A new report shows that the number of middle and high school students learning online has tripled over the past three years.


San Diego Is Bridging the Digital Divide with Refurbished Computers for Low-Income Families

Trying to do research for an assignment or type a paper without your own computer is really hard.


Could the Khan Academy Close the Achievement Gap?

Salman Khan and our publisher head to the Dylan Ratigan Show to talk about flipping traditional school upside down.


The 100 Best Online Education Resources

Ready to take your online learning experience to the next level? This compilation of the best resources on the web has all the tools you need.