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"Human Sexuality" Class Is Too Hot for Northwestern

There will be no more live sex demonstrations at Northwestern University—and no more Human Sexuality class at all, in fact.


Oregon Makes High Schoolers Apply to College to Get a Diploma

But is this actually going to help anyone (other than the politicians)?


Cascadia: The West Coast Fault Line That Is "Nine Months Pregnant"

The fault zone that produced the largest known earthquake in the Lower 48 is "nine months pregnant and overdue." This time line illustrates it.


Feast Your Eyes: Meet Colin, Portlandia's Most Pampered Chicken

A clip from the first episode of IFC's new show, Portlandia, gently skewers the city's farm-to-table obsession.


B-Shares: A Bicycle Delivery Service That Helps Feed the Hungry

Bikes, as it turns out, can provide an important link between good, surplus food that would otherwise get wasted and the people who need it.


In Portland, Open Data Makes It Easier to Get Around

By making public transportation data public, Portland, Oregon's TriMet system has fostered an explosion of useful information.


Wind Farm Resistance in Oregon

Cape Wind isn't the only case of wind farm NIMBYism. This time the town of Union, Oregon is fighting a 182-turbine farm on the slopes of a...


America's First Wave-power Farm

America's first wave-power farm is under construction off the Oregon coast. The system generates energy as waves on the surface of the ocean move...


Pushing the Limits

In Oregon, radical antisprawl laws aim to save the state's bucolic paradises. But with land-hungry suburbs on the prowl, can these goats be...


Landfill Bans: Perhaps Not the Way to Fight E-Waste

In January, a new law goes into effect in Oregon that will ban certain electronics from all landfills. The idea behind the law is to encourage the...

Transparency: Biking to Work

The battle over which North American city is the best for biking is fierce and- most likely-unresolvable. Our latest Transparency will tell...

The GOOD 100: The People of Portland

Trailblazers We declare that the residents of the City of Roses are doing more than their fair share of innovation,...