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Organic vs. Conventional Farming: Which Method Uses Less Energy?

A new study shows that organic farming uses quite a bit less energy than conventional, though not for the reasons people might generally expect.


Our Name Is Old, But Our Organic, Fair-Trade Store Is New

Viandas is a Spanish word that belongs to a time when all foods were whole foods.


Organic Addictions Help Us Justify Our Vices

I see a lot of substance abuse within the yoga and sustainability communities I’m a member of, and it’s nearly always of the organic variety.


A Few Things to Remind People Quoting That Organic Food Study

Man, one document says organic food might not be worth the dollar and you'd think an organic vegetable had held up a bank.


Pocket EPA: iPhone Gadget to Measure Environmental Hazards

New gizmo will measure local radiation, electromagnetic pollution, and whether or not food is organic.


Green Sloshed: Organic Cocktails for a Boozy Earth Day

Cook up your own local, sustainable, organic cocktails, and toast to mother Earth.


Cape Town's Women Take the Lead in Farm-Focused Social Enterprise

“It took many years to get to the point where black people in South Africa accepted that organic was different and valuable."


'All-Natural'? How to Guard Against 3 Misleading Food Labels

How to read past the labels in the grocery store.


Why Drinkers Don't Like 'Organic' Wines Why Drinkers Don't Like Organic Wines

Stamp a bottle of wine 'organic,' and its price plummets. How winemakers are responding to the eco- stigma.


Farmers Are Working Toward a Brighter Future for Organic Vegetables

Many organic farmers don't have the option of using exclusively organic seed. Organic Seed Growers Conference attendees want to fix that.


Yes, There Are Pesticides on Organic Lettuce

The "organic" label doesn't always guarantee that something is pesticide-free.


"Organic" Foods Pack on the Pounds

We often think organic means fewer calories, and that's why we should institute mandatory calorie counting.


The Food Gods Speak: Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser Dish About Walmart, National Security, and Chicken Nuggets

When Pollan last ate a chicken nugget, whether Schlosser thinks that Walmart's new healthy food initiatives are for real, and what you and I can do.


Learn How to Start a DIY Farmers' Market

Is your neighborhood missing fresh, local food? Why not start a farmers' market yourself? Learn how this Friday.