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osama bin laden killing



Since When Are Liberals Cool with Shooting an Unarmed Man in the Face?

It seems as if a lot of people have no problem with a defenseless Osama being shot to death. That's wrong.


Surprise: Osama Loved American Soda

Though he supposedly hated America and drugs, new evidence suggests bin Laden may have partaken in both.


Generation WTF?: Thousands of Teenagers Ask, "Who Is Osama?"

In the wake of the terrorist's assassination, Generation 9/11 reveals that it's not very clued in about international politics.


How Close Was the Guy Who Tried to Kill Osama with a Sword Last Year?

When an amateur bounty hunter was arrested on a hunt for Osama in June of last year, he actually wasn't too far away from his target.


That Martin Luther King Quote Is Fake; Use These Instead

The famous civil rights leader did have a great quote for today's news, but it's probably not the one you've seen.


That Mark Twain Quote for Osama's Death Is Fake, Too

A great American did indeed say the "obituary" quote, but it wasn't Mark Twain.


When You "Piss on Osama's Grave," You Make America Unexceptional

Since when is it a national ideal to have parties in the streets when we slaughter people?