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A photo of a parent's hand holding a child's hand, a photo of a scientist in a lab

A dad fighting to cure a rare neurodevelopment disorder named after his daughter has announced a major breakthrough.



Are Schools on the Verge of a Mobile-Phone Revolution?

Over 75 percent of teens own cell phones, making them the perfect tool for learning—if teachers are on board with using them.


Intermission: Conan O'Brien's Dartmouth Commencement Speech

Between jokes, Coco reflected on what he learned from his "profound and very public disappointment" with The Tonight Show.


Ed Tech: One of These Ideas Might Be the Next Big Thing to Make Learning Easier

Here are five smart business ideas that use technology to solve education challenges.


Rahmcast: Chicago Mayor Partners with Media Giant to Bridge the Digital Divide

Rahm Emanuel and Comcast have teamed up to provide discounted computers and internet access for the city's low-income students.


Education Reform? Student Activists Are Doing It Themselves

While debates about education policy rage on in Washington, D.C. many students are taking matters into their own hands.


Despite Spell Check, Interest in Spelling Bees Is Way Up

More kids are participating than ever before, and the words are getting harder. Maybe society does still care about spelling.


College Majors and Cash: Follow the Money or Your Dreams?

If engineering majors make almost twice what the average liberal arts major earns, should everybody just become engineers?


San Diego Is Bridging the Digital Divide with Refurbished Computers for Low-Income Families

Trying to do research for an assignment or type a paper without your own computer is really hard.


Richard Dawkins to Indoctrinate Kids with Science-Pushing Picture Book

The famous atheist's new book for kids is sure to spark student curiosity about our universe—and probably some controversy.


Obama Made the Right Choice to Speak at the First Black High School in Memphis

Booker T. Washington High School beat out over 450 other schools to get President Obama as a commencement speaker.


Video: Detroit Student Cries Over "Disgrace" of City's Public Schools

A new two-hour special by Dan Rather looks at the (many) shortcomings of Detroit's public schools. Let's hope it looks at some solutions, too.


How Do We Break the Pattern of Poor Teaching for Poor Children?

Teaching that encourages creativity and critical thinking is increasingly reserved for affluent children.


Broke L.A. Schools Are Giving Teachers a Half Day to Protest

In an unprecedented move, LAUSD is working with the local teachers union to make a protest of education cuts happen.


Why Teachers Shouldn't Be Expected to Talk About Bin Laden's Death

My fourth-grade son's teacher didn't talk about the killing of Osama bin Laden in class—and that was a good decision.


Teachers in the Trenches Aren't Impressed with Arne Duncan's "Appreciation Letter"

Duncan's open letter to teachers expressing his appreciation for their hard work hasn't exactly been well-received.


Eighth Grader's 9/11 Documentary Set to Screen at Tribeca Film Festival

"The Second Day" tells the first-hand story of students and teachers living and working in the area around Ground Zero.