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Really Good Business: Beyond Social Responsibility Report Cards

Dwindling resources impels companies with no special predilection toward doing good, to get good, and fast—and work together with peers to do so.


GOODCo: Two Pioneering Clothing Companies Are GOOD Company Finalists

Patagonia and hessnatur show it’s possible to run a clothing company that’s both competitive and socially responsible.


New California Law Will Boost Social Entrepreneurship

A new law will help social entrepreneurs increase investment in their companies—while expanding their ability to do good.


Patagonia Music Launches to Sell Tunes, Save Trees Patagonia Moves in on iTunes, with an Eco-Twist

Pearl Jam, Bonnie Raitt and Philip Glass may sound like an odd ensemble, but they've all joined forces to sell tunes for the environment.


Eagerly Awaiting 180 Degrees South: Conquerors of the Useless

After the jump, check out the awesome trailer for 180 Degrees South, a film I've been dying to see since last year. Some background: In 1968...