Articles Baltimore’s Bloods, Crips, BGF Gangs Explain Their Truce Throughout Freddie Gray Protests David RheeApr 29, 2015
Articles After the Copenhagen Synagogue Shooting, This Muslim Community Is Responding in the Best Way Possible Rafi SchwartzFeb 19, 2015
Articles On Pablo Picasso's Birthday, Remembering the Artist as a Champion of Peace On Pablo Picasso's Birthday, Remembering the Artist for His Activism and Symbols of Peace.Yasha Wallin29 Oct, 2012
Articles What You Won't Hear in the Presidential Debates: Real Middle East Peace Solutions This election season, like all election seasons, the presidential candidates will inundate us with all sorts of issues they think we think are...Nathan Lean19 Oct, 2012
Articles Disarming: New Project Uses AK47s as Icons of Peace For the project AKA Peace, 23 contemporary artists have used the AK47 as a canvas to create artwork to raise awareness for peace.Yasha Wallin08 Oct, 2012
Articles Skype's New Education Platform Connects Classrooms Around the Globe Teachers have long embraced Skype. Now the company is embracing them back with special features for educators.Liz Dwyer03 Apr, 2011
Articles Report: War Is a Really Terrible Learning Environment A new UNESCO report says that 28 million kids don't go to school because of armed conflict in their countries.Liz Dwyer04 Mar, 2011
Articles Project: Create a Doodle About Finding Solitude in the City, Sneak Preview Len Kendall01 Jul, 2010