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Should an 11-Year-Old Boy Go to Jail for Life?

Jordan Brown is set to be tried as an adult for a crime committed when he was 11. He might go to jail for life. America's exceptional like that.


Pennsylvania School Levies Insane Fines for Ditching

How would you like to get a $27,000 fine if your kid missed school? That's what's going down in Lebanon, PA—and a lawsuit plans to stop it.


World's Largest Baseball Bat?

Is Elysburg, Pennsylvania home to this wonder of the world?


This Is What North America's Largest Indoor Living Wall Looks Like

Kim Wilkie designed and installed the 4,000-square-foot wall in Pennsylvania's Longwood Gardens, where you'll find 47,000 living plants.


In Praise of Staying Put

There's something very American about mobility. We like our freedom to roam, to follow opportunity, to move westward as the...


A Community of Ovens

For most of us, cooking is more or less a solitary event. Kitchen stoves, office microwaves, and dorm room toaster ovens fry, zap and roast our...


Mr. Mayor

John Fetterman is remaking a deserted rust-belt town for a new creative class. This summer, across the street from a sprawling steel mill, 800 people gathered in a renovated Catholic schoolhouse in Braddock, Pennsylvania, for the opening of the city's newest arts venue. On its face, there was nothing..