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The GOOD Vaccine Challenge: Winner Announced

Congratulations to Nadim Mahmud. His plan for a text message-based vaccination alert tool for India will get a $5,000 seed grant.


The GOOD Vaccine Challenge Ideas Are In! Vote on Your Favorite.

We challenged members of the GOOD community to help get vaccines to the children who need them. See what they came up with.


Who Are the Experts Who Don't Want to Eradicate Polio?

Gates is moving ahead with his polio eradication agenda, but some questioned the plan after his big announcement yesterday


Gates and the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Pledge $100 Million for Vaccine Initiative

The money will go to stopping polio once and for all in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Pakistan President Launches Polio Emergency Plan

Pakistan is one of four countries where polio is still endemic. They're going to try and fix that.


Doctors Are Taking the Last Tiny Bit of Risk Out of Polio Vaccines

Risk-free polio vaccine research has begun in England and will ease a lot of anxiety around the vaccine.