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pollution and waste



8 Ways Resigning EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Suppressed Science

11 members of Pruitt’s EPA’s board have a history of downplaying the health risks of secondhand smoke, air pollution, and other hazards.


Rural Americans’ Struggles Against Factory Farm Pollution Find Traction In Court

It’s a breakthrough after years of government failure to protect rural communities from farms housing many animals in close quarters.


The Federal Government Has Long Treated Nevada As A Nuclear Dumping Ground

Nevadans pointed out the safety risks in moving nuclear waste along highways and railroads to their state.


John Oliver And HBO Sued By Coal Tycoon Robert E. Murray

Was it really character assassination?


A 22-Year-Old's Ingenious Effort To Remove Plastic Waste From The Pacific Has Raised $31M

The entire effort is based on a remarkably simple process slated to being later this year


Pollutoys Teach Children About Ocean Pollution

They were developed by Sea Sherpard


Welcome To The 2017 Industrial Evolution

It’s time for tech to disrupt global warming

Below The Surface

The murder of an environmental activist reveals the complexities and corruption in South Africa’s mining industry

The World’s Fifth-Most Hated Company Has A Soft Side

On the eve of Bayer’s $56 billion takeover of Monsanto, a food journalist reveals what it’s really like inside corporate headquarters


Melting Ice Means Radioactive Military Bases Are Coming To The Surface

This patch of melting ice is uncovering more than one issue


The EPA Once Said This Was The Dirtiest City In America. Now It’s One Of Our Greenest

People in Chattanooga used to drive with their headlights on in the daytime