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protesters are awesome



Protesters Are Awesome: Look at This Beautiful Photo of Christians Protecting Praying Muslims in Egypt

Christian protesters literally banded together to protect their Muslim comrades.


Protesters Are Awesome: Watch Egyptian Volunteers Clean the Streets

As one of the protesters in this video puts it, "We are here cleaning our country Egypt, which is our property and not anyone else's."


Protesters Are Awesome: Volunteer Force Is Taking Over Egypt's Municipal Jobs

A new Egyptian volunteer force is taking to the streets to restore some order in the midst of growing chaos.


Protesters Are Awesome: Egyptian Students Are Now Protecting the Libraries

Egypt's protesting millennials are multitasking: Saving the nation's precious cultural icons while simultaneously calling for a new government.


Protesters Are Awesome: Egyptians Form Human Shield to Protect Antiquities

A band of brave protesters has reportedly formed a human shield to protect Egypt's most important museum. Protesters are awesome.