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public art



Brazilian Ice Sculptures Encourage Organ Donation via Great Design

São Paulo, Brazil launches a trippy new public art campaign to get residents to donate their organs.


San Francisco’s Musical Traffic Light Pedestrian Orchestra

Montreal design firm Daily Tous les Jours creates a fanciful new installation to lighten up San Francisco’s Market Street.

NYC’s Upcoming Subterranean Park Gets A Little Design Help From The Community

Students of the Lowline Young Designers Program ponder the revolutionary public park to be created beneath the city’s sidewalks.


Yemen’s Banksy Uses Street Art to Fight Sectarian Violence

Murad Subay’s designs bring much-needed attention to the drone strikes, corruption, and violent political chaos that has plagued the tiny Middle Eastern nation.


Turn The Subway Into A Digital Gallery With Your Smartphone

A group of NYC creatives are replacing boring subway ads with eye-catching GIFs.


A Mosaic Shines in Philly

An intimate conversation with a fixture of the Philadelphia art world.


Pop Up Prose: Shakespeare Makes a Paralympic Appearance

Next week, London's cultural hotspots will be targets for Shakespearian flashmobs.


A Very Public Guide to the World's Public Art

The Big Art Mob app wants users to upload images of global street art in all its forms.


The Happy Post Project: Spreading Cheer Via Post-It Note

The Happy Post Project will ask you one question only: What makes you happy? The GOOD Maker finalist globe-trots to collect answers on Post-It notes.


New York's Water Tanks Get an Artistic Makeover

Jay-Z, Jeff Koons and other artists are pushing New Yorkers to reconsider their water supply with public art.


A Public Art Project Symbolically Reverses Detroit's 'White Flight'

Public art with a purpose: Mike Kelley's mobile tract home flees for the city.


A 'Talk Show' Uses Humor to Inform Domestic Workers About Their Rights

There's nothing funny about the treatment of many domestic workers, but a humorous public art project tackles the issue head-on.


One Man's Discarded Trinkets Become Art—in a Dumpster

Downsizing his studio, a collage artist turns discarded belongings into a public art exhibition.


Kulturpark: An Abandoned Amusement Park Becomes a Public Art Space

This June, a group of creatives based in Berlin plans to sustainably revamp and reestablish an abandoned amusement park called “Kulturpark.”


Public Art Initiative Rediscovers the Bronx's Lost Treasures

Next Wednesday, a long-forgotten shabby-chic retirement home opens to the public.