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I’m an epidemiologist who got COVID-19. Here’s how it feels when symptoms last for months.

"Imagine being young and healthy, a nonsmoker with no preexisting health conditions, and then waking up one morning feeling like you were being suffocated by an unseen force."


Random testing in Indiana shows COVID-19 is 6 times deadlier than flu

The random testing also shows that 2.8% of the state's populations has been infected by the novel coronavirus.


Mask resistance isn't new—there were plenty of anti-maskers during the 1918 pandemic as well

That pandemic ultimately killed about 675,000 people in the U.S. Hopefully, history is not in the process of repeating itself today.


Which drugs and therapies are proven to work for COVID-19—and which ones aren't

I am a physician and a scientist at the University of Virginia. I care for patients and conduct research to find better ways to diagnose and treat infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Here I'm sharing what is known about which treatments work, and which don't, for the new coronavirus infection.


As states reopen, tensions flare between the rule followers and rule breakers

Understanding where each side is coming from can help society successfully negotiate these differences.

Pandemics change cities—and past outbreaks show it's often for the better

American cities have triumphed over infectious diseases many times before