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public schools


Infographic: Declining Confidence in America's Public Schools

Americans have more faith in their community's small businesses and police forces than in their kids' public schools.


Waiting For Spider-Man? New Marvel Comic Features Charter School Lottery

With his application to a charter school, the new Spider-Man, Miles Morales, really is a 21st century teen.


Does Teach For America's Summer Institute Really Prepare Teachers for the Classroom?

Institute guru Susan Asiyanbi responds to some of the common critiques of the intensive process.


For the Good of All Students: Why I'm Marching for Education Justice

We don’t have to eradicate a person’s soul in order to make them a great leader and thinker.


Why Denver Is a Model for Education in America

DSST Public Schools CEO Bill Kurtz shares what's working between charters and public schools in his town.


Lights, Camera, Action: Los Angeles Parents Film PSA About the School Funding Crisis

Parents at Melrose Avenue Elementary pooled their entertainment industry talents to create a video that drives home a point: Schools need money.


America Cares About Buying Guns, Not Educating Kids

America is set to spend 20 percent of our federal budget on defense and a mere 3 percent on education.


Detroit's Plan to Close Half Its Schools? Now They're Turning Them Into Charters

The beleaguered school system plans to turn 41 campuses over to charter organizations. The thing is, they're not any better than public schools.


Spike Lee Wants More Black Male Teachers

Forget business, law, and medicine. With black men making up only 1.7 percent of American school teachers, they need to head to the classroom.


Joel Klein: Adults To Blame for Children Being Left Behind

Klein's reflections upon his exit seem to reflect a new dogma shared by education reformers.


New Report Puts the Black Male Achievement Crisis in the Spotlight

The latest study on urban black male academic achievement is out, and the data is pretty grim.


Should Diversity Be a Mandate of Elite Public Schools?

Some of the best public schools in the country have a dearth of black and Hispanic students.


Is Your State Funding Its Neediest Students?

A new national report card looks at how states are funding their schools.


Education Reform Soldiers on Without Michelle Rhee (For Now)

While Rhee will resign her post as chancellor of D.C. public school, we certainly haven't heard the last of her.