Articles Raising Awareness About the Devastating Disease Your Doctor Has Never Heard of Jen BreaNov 06, 2013
Articles How We're Democratizing Healthcare with Mobile Phones Why couldn’t a mobile phone do the same job as a $1,000 piece of medical equipment? The answer is it can.Myshkin Ingawale07 Sep, 2013
Articles Why Performance Art Is a Tool to Change Human Consciousness Marina Abramovic is creating an institute for long durational performance.Marina Abramovic20 Aug, 2013
Articles This Student Film Hopes to Smash Stereotypes About Mexican Youth Mexico's more than crime, drugs, and coyotes taking people across the border. A grad student's film hopes to show the side of youth eager to dream.Victor Hugo Duran17 Aug, 2013
Articles People Are Awesome: See What Happens When a Bunch of City Kids Climb a Mountain Kids feel accomplished and the sense of great wonder and joy they took from being in nature for the first time.Davy Rothbart07 Aug, 2013
Articles This Amazing Poster Turns the Alphabet Into a Tool For Social Justice The "L is for Liberation Radicalphabet" turns the building blocks of literacy into the foundation of social justice.Radical Alphabet30 Jun, 2013
Articles Why I'm Working With the Boys and Girls Club to Create 'Flexible Public Art' Working as an artist, there is constant exercise—in some way—of the mind, the eyes, the legs, the hands.Darren Goins25 Jun, 2013
Articles This Wristband Monitors Your Automatic Nervous System to Help You Stay in a Good Mood Wearable tech and wellness apps are both blowing up the spot these days, and this new device combines the two to create something pretty...Meghan Neal07 Jun, 2013
Articles The Culinary Cyclist Pairs Bikes and Chocolate Sea Salt Cake Rules to live by: Eat local, and mostly plants. Ride your bike, even on rainy days. Say yes to dinner invitations.oka_rebelmouse06 Jun, 2013
Articles These Six Ethiopian Nursing Students Will Become Lifesavers One of my favorite questions from friends in Europe and the U.S. about Africa is, “How can you stand the heat all year long?” Well, having lived...Laura Hoemeke04 Jun, 2013
Articles The Hi-Res Point of View That's Reigniting Student Curiosity Exo Labs is creating technology that ignites curiosity and makes education more engaging for the next generation.Jeff Stewart04 Jun, 2013
Articles How Can We Fix Education? Listen to Young People Youth have an answer for us—not to the "why," but to the "how"—if we all would just listen.David LoitzCharles Kouns03 Jun, 2013
Articles Documenting the Egyptian Revolution through Street Art Its hard to imagine that its been almost two and a half years since Egypt's revolution. The excitement and enthusiasm are long gone as we deal...Basma Hamdy02 Jun, 2013
Articles How Bikes Prevent Rape and Empower Girls in Rural Cambodia Susan B. Anthony once said, "I think [the bicycle] has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives a woman a feeling...Erika Keaveney26 May, 2013
Articles Travel Like You Give a Damn: Eyes out West The book Eyes Out West will relate the living, vital example of change through travel.Hudson Gardner20 May, 2013
Articles Here's How Your Old T-Shirts Can Create Jobs When you are done with college you get a degree, lifelong friends, time management skills and a whole lot of t-shirts.Nathan Rothstein20 May, 2013