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Why the Compton Parent Trigger Lawsuit Is a Good Thing

The suit will set precedent for all future parent trigger attempts in both California and the rest of the nation.


Can Education Reform Survive Election Day?

What is at stake for education reform in this election? Read on.


Results at Arne Duncan's First Chicago Turnaround School Raise Efficacy and Legal Questions

Arne Duncan believes in "turnaround" schools, but are they effective, and are they legal?

Transparency: The Achievement Gap in American Education

As states compete for $4 billion in federal Race to the Top dollars-dollars which will be awarded not only for clever reforms...


CBS's Somber Appraisal of the State of U.S. Schools

Throughout the last week or so, education reform has vaulted into the national spotlight. That's largely thanks to the prominent role it had in...


John Legend Miffed NY State Passed on Race to the Top

During last night's State of the Union, Barack Obama invoked his Race to the Top competition, saying "The idea here is simple: Instead of...