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This Boot Camp Trains Young People To Fight Plastic Pollution

Youth activists ages 11 to 18 help educate their communities about how to curb an environmental crisis.


New Waterproof Jacket Is Made From 21 Recycled Water Bottles

Americans waste 1,500 water bottles a second


Jeff Bridges Joins the Plastic Pollution Coalition to Help the Enviornment

‘Plastic is a substance the Earth cannot digest’


New Seaweed-Based Material Could Replace Plastic Packaging

The project is one of four finalists for the 2016 Lexus Design Award.


Turning Scavenged Waste Into Multimedia Art

Recycling company Recology gives three artists a chance to build big with San Francisco’s trash.


How to Make Your Coffee Habit Better for the Environment

Welcome a 100 percent compostable answer to the K-Cup to the breakfast scene.


A Gorgeous Vision of the Future, Made of Ocean Garbage

Renderings of a beautiful fantasyland are a powerful call to arms concerning ocean pollution.


This New Printer Is Also an In-Office Recycling System

It eats your old paper and transforms it into clean new sheets.

How This Small Japanese Town Produces Close to Zero Waste

Arguably the strictest recycling program in the world, ?Kamikatsu’s plan is nothing short of revolutionary.


Announcing the GOOD Guide to Recycling

Together we can increase recycling rates by finding smart, sustainable ways to extend the life of some of the most common objects in our lives.


How Litter in a Landlocked City Ends Up in the Ocean

This woman is on a mission to make it easier for you to recycle before that happens.


Why Does So Much Recyclable Plastic End Up as Trash?

100 percent "recyclable" doesn't mean recycled. Meet the man who's trying to change that.

These Five Cities Will be Hurt the Most by Climate Change

These are the five cities most likely to be affected by global warming.