Health The FDA is issuing cancer warnings on breast implants, because they're finally listening to women Heidi LuxOct 30, 2019
Articles Should Cyclists Need Licenses to Ride? Portland Weighs the Question Zachary SlobigSep 14, 2012
Articles Survey: Business Leaders Are Surprised That Sustainability Actually Pays Off In a new survey, seventy-two percent of executives said the benefits of their company's sustainability initiatives exceeded their expectations.Alex Goldmark02 Jun, 2011
Articles Spider Webs and the Battle Over Federal Caffeine Limits One hundred years ago, the predecessor of the FDA had no data on how caffeine affects humans. Unbelievably, the same is pretty much true today.Nicola Twilley02 Apr, 2011
Articles Food for Thinkers: Synthesizing Food Safety Politics Into Something Edible Helena Bottemiller makes sense of U.S. food policy—and shares a behind-the-scenes peek at the preparations for a White House State Dinner.Helena Bottemiller23 Feb, 2011
Articles Winning the Future with Salmon That line that got the most laughs during Obama's State of the Union actually raises an important issue about our broken food regulatory system.Nicola Twilley30 Jan, 2011
Articles Undercover Fish Testing Reveals Mercury at Three Times Federal Limits Scary new data show fish in California grocery stores have high levels of mercury. Should you forgo sushi? It's a little hard to say.Nicola Twilley21 Jan, 2011
Articles Obama's Executive Order to Overhaul Business Regulations Obama wants a government-wide review of all business regulations. Is this cover for deregulation, or an opportunity to do it right?Alex Goldmark21 Jan, 2011
Articles Infographic About Untested Chemicals in Consumer Products Infographic About Untested Chemicals in Consumer Products Of the 50,000 chemicals used in industry and consumer products in the United States, only 5 are restricted, and only 300 tested.Siobhan O'Connor31 Oct, 2010
Articles Chamber of Commerce Want Kids to Worry About Energy Regulations Staunch opponents of the government protecting the public create an energy guide to scare kids about the dangers of regulation.Ben Jervey22 Oct, 2010
Articles The Story of Cosmetics If you've been hanging out on the site lately, you know we've been doing a lot of writing about cosmetics, personal-care products, sunscreen,...Siobhan O'Connor23 Jul, 2010