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Georgia senator being calmly skewered by his opponent is the stuff of legends

Sen. David Perdue has backed out of his next debate after John Ossoff's epic takedown went viral.

A 'bipartisan' group of lawmakers wants to give coronavirus loans to vicious payday lenders

"Payday lenders exploit millions of working families through predatory practices. Congress shouldn't prop them up during this crisis."


Anti-Hillary Clinton Coloring Book Published by Republican PAC

A coloring book war goes outside the lines of traditional partisan conflict


Bubbly Cocktails to Sip While Rush Limbaugh Fizzles

Raise a glass to Sandra Fluke—or drink our custom cocktails to the demise of Rush's career.


Drop the Mic: How Republicans Talk About the Occupy Movement

"I'm a cooperative career Job Creator, and I get it."


Race to the Heartland: An Iowa Campaign Ad Roundup

In preparation for the Iowa caucus, the GOP candidates are breaking out the ads.


Occupy Wall Streeters Aren't Republicans—Or Democrats

Attention, 2012 candidates: Most Occupy Wall Street supporters have no party affiliation.


Herman Cain Isn't an 'Uncle Tom,' He's Rich

If you're calling the black GOP darling an Uncle Tom, you're no better than any other racist.


Culture Clash: Why the Perry-Romney Showdown Is Significant

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney's sparring at last night's debate laid out the GOP's identity crisis in no uncertain terms.


Why I Wouldn't Want To Be a GOP Voter Right Now

Incensed by Obama, frustrated with the cowboys in Congress: What's a conservative voter to do?


Who's the Most Conservative GOP Contender? A Candidate Matrix

Here's what you need to know so far about the frontrunners of the Republican primary.


Why Do Voters Still Love Rudy Giuliani? Islamophobia

A new poll shows Rudy Giuliani as the only person who could beat Obama in 2012, despite the fact that he's not actually running.


Think Bush's Millionaire Tax Cuts Are Bad? Tim Pawlenty's Would Quadruple Them

Tim Pawlenty's outrageous plan would give millions more in tax breaks for the very rich.


GOP Official Says Her Incredibly Racist Obama Monkey Email Wasn't Racist

Marilyn Davenport calls Obama a chimp but says she's not a bigot.