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school funding



Sick of Broke Schools: Parents Go Gangster and Shake Down Businesses For Cash

Don't want to help schools financially? Get ready to look down the barrel of a juice box.


At 76, Jonathan Kozol Is More Outraged Over Inequality in Education Than Ever

Education activist Jonathan Kozol is letting loose on child poverty, racism, and educational inequity these days.


What Do Americans Say Is the Biggest Problem Facing Public Schools?

Hint: it's not ineffective teachers or campus violence.


Los Angeles Tries Crowdsourcing Ideas for More Efficient Schools

LAUSD got 1,300 ideas in a month on how they can save money and eliminate waste.


Why Throwing Money at Schools Actually Is the Answer

Guess what? According to data analysis of the 10 wealthiest and poorest school districts, money does matter.


Broke L.A. Schools Are Giving Teachers a Half Day to Protest

In an unprecedented move, LAUSD is working with the local teachers union to make a protest of education cuts happen.


Where Schools Really Get Their Money From, and Why It Needs to Change

Schools get the vast majority of their money from states. Federal funding just isn't a big factor right now. But the thing is, it should be.