selene biffi


Plain Ink: Comic Books for the Developing World

We got Osama bin Laden with a crack team of Navy SEALs, but there are other ways of fighting terrorism, too. Comic books, for example.

We got Osama bin Laden with a crack team of Navy SEALs, but there are other ways of fighting terrorism, too. Using comic books to educate people in countries like Afghanistan, for example.

Last year, Selene Biffi, a self-described "serial social entrepreneur," was working as a UN consultant in Kabul. The local office of the UN Fund for Population Activities and the Afghan Ministry of Education wanted to produce a school textbook teaching kids the basics of health, agriculture, and natural disaster mitigation. But in a country with myriad ethnic divisions and a literacy level around 25 percent, communicating to a broad audience in print can be difficult.

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