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Helping a Family Pay Tribute to their Daughter with Clean Water Projects in Africa

I remember where I was on July 22 two years ago, when reports of a massacre in Norway started to break.


How the Fashion Industry Can Help Fight Extreme Poverty

In 2007, I was brought on to help the Cotton On Group, a global retail chain, find a way to make a difference for some of the world’s most vulnerable people.


How Teenage Girls With Power Tools Transformed a Neighborhood

It was a scorchingly hot Tuesday afternoon last summer on a rough corner in South Chicago. Despite the heat, and despite it being the time of...


What the Designated Drivers Campaign Can Teach Those in the Youth Service Movement

In the mid eighties, nobody in the U.S. knew what a designated driver was. The concept simply didn't exist here. It was actually a Scandinavian...


Why the Sharing Economy is Important for Disaster Response

A unique and detailed survey funded by the Rockefeller Foundation confirms the important role that social and community bonds play vis-à-vis...


How to Educate Next Generation of Entrepreneurs? Start by Reviving Financial Literacy

For better or for worse, money pervades the fabric of American life. Money funds our life-résumés, from our most basic needs, to our most...


Why Going Pro Bono Is Good for Business and Professional Development

I’ve been a pro bono devotee since I first learned about it. While doing some soul-searing career exploration, I heard of this new...


A Crowdfunded Cross-Country Train Full of Changemaking Millennials

This August, 40 pioneering millennials will embark on a train journey across the country. Where early pioneers went west, these millennials will...


How Businesses Can Do Their Part After a Natural Disaster

As corporate social responsibility (CSR) becomes more integral to business strategy and less of an "add-on," companies are realizing they need to be more than just fair weather friends to their consumers, stakeholders, and society at large.


Online Anywhere You Go: A Backup Generator for the Internet

BRCK is the vertical integration of the data collection market. The modem is the gateway between our devices and the wider world of the internet, but it is has been left ignored, blinking in the corner, looking much the same as it did ten years ago.