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slow food



Food Studies: Meet Leslie, Studying Design Management and Slow Food in Savannah

GOOD's second Food Studies blogger is Leslie, who is applying design thinking to the Slow Food movement.


Video: Why Are Froot Loops Cheaper Than Real Fruit? The YouTube Video 2011: Your Interview With President Obama

Slow Food USA's Josh Viertel asks Obama a gem of a question during the YouTube Q&A session.


Healthy Eating 101 With CoFed

CoFed creates sustainable, student-run cafes & food stores at college campuses as an alternative to the typical fast food options offered.


Slow Down

What follows is the introduction from GOOD Issue 18: The Slow Issue. You can read more articles from the Slow Issue here, or by clicking the "read...


Not a New York Minute

How four Italian cities bucked the traditional urban growth model and started an international trend called Cittaslow. In the...


Novella Carpenter, Urban Cowgirl

My parents were back-to-the-land hippies; they were of that generation in the late 1960s that decided to reject cities and move...


Turning the Tables

Tracing the slow-food movement back to its feisty Italian roots. Like so many other aspects of modern life, slow food can...


The President of Slow Food Nation

Since 1998, Slow Food USA, the American branch of the Slow Food organization, has spearheaded community organizing and...