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Views of the pyramids from space

Astronaut Terry Virts captures incredible images of the pyramids

Representative images via Wikicommons/NASA



Man tries to explain science to female astrophysicist and it was an astronomical mistake

Is there anything a man isn't willing to mansplain to an unsuspecting woman?


Here’s how to watch the amazing meteor shower that starts tonight and ends tomorrow morning.

Geminid stargazers are in for a real treat that’s being called the, “best display of shooting stars all year.”


To Celebrate Stephen Hawking’s Life, Nat Geo TV Releases An Interview Done Before His Death With Neil DeGrasse Tyson

On this episode of “Star Talk,” Tyson picked Hawking’s brain “on everything, from the Big Bang to the origins of the universe.”


Saturn’s North Pole Just Changed Color And Nobody Knows Why

Saturn might actually just be one massive chameleon.

15 Amazing Satellite Images Taken By the ASTER Thermal Emission Camera

They’ve just released three million taken since 1999.


Life Noggin Creates A Video To Debunk The Flat Earth Theory

Google searches for the term “Flat Earth” have gone up 800 percent


NASA Figures Out Earth's Weird Flashing Light Phenomenon

No, it’s not the U.S. government going up in flames