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state of the union



America Cares About Buying Guns, Not Educating Kids

America is set to spend 20 percent of our federal budget on defense and a mere 3 percent on education.


@GOOD Asks: What Letter Grade Would You Give Obama's State of the Union Speech, and Why? The Community Answers

Many GOOD readers thought he delivered a great speech but are eager to see action. What do you think? Join the conversation.

Nine Organizations Already Working to Win the Future

Obama called for renewed hustle in the areas of job creation, innovation, and education. We found nine organizations that are already hard at work.


Obama Does Care More About Climate Change Than Bush, But He Has to Say So

Of course the president understands and cares about climate change. So why's he afraid to talk about it?


Poking Holes in Obama's Praise of Denver's Bruce Randolph School

The school is graduating 97 percent of seniors, but how many students drop out senior year?


Winning the Future with Salmon

That line that got the most laughs during Obama's State of the Union actually raises an important issue about our broken food regulatory system.


Video: Why Are Froot Loops Cheaper Than Real Fruit? The YouTube Video 2011: Your Interview With President Obama

Slow Food USA's Josh Viertel asks Obama a gem of a question during the YouTube Q&A session.


Why Does Justice Scalia Attend Tea Party Talks But Not the State of the Union?

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia often attends conservative events, but he's sworn off the State of the Union address for a decade. Why?


Watch Today's Live Education Roundtable With Secretary Duncan Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, Answers Questions Online

Tune in at 3:15 EST for a conversation on the education themes of the State of the Union address


Here's the Full Text of Obama's State of the Union Speech

Here's the full text of the State of the Union speech, for your reference.


State of the Union 2011: The Education Arms Race

Obama called for a "Sputnik" moment in education reform—except instead of competing against Russia to get to space, we're competing against Asia.


This Is the Best Way to Watch the State of the Union Address

Watch the Sunlight Foundation's live fact-check and analysis of the State of the Union address.


Have a Question for Secretary of Education Arne Duncan? Here's Your Chance to Ask It!

We're headed to a White House for a State of the Union Education Roundtable—and we want to take your questions with us.

Articles Plans State of the Union Broadcast of the Future is going to provide an "enhanced" version of the State of the Union speech online, with a companion stream of charts and graphs.