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Feast Your Eyes: 16 Cents of Each Dollar You Spend on Food Goes to the Farm. What Happens to the Rest?

A new report from the USDA reveals the economic underpinnings of our food system.


Want to Major in German? Good Luck With That

The end of the Eurocentric world view? The number of four-year colleges offering French, German and Italian as majors is on the decline.


Feast Your Eyes: Drinking Around the World

A new World Health Organization report shows who's drinking what, where—and how it's killing them.


More Than Half of Americans Haven't Heard About What's Going on in Egypt

Despite the wall-to-wall coverage of the protests, most Americans aren't paying attention.


Danish Designer's Real-Life Infographics Elevate the Form

Designer Peter Orntoft has taken the inforgraphic to the next level by incorporating real people and things into his images.

Starbucks Is a Trenta-Sized Company

With a workforce larger than the population of Orange, California, Starbucks now sells 87,000 drink combinations in 50 different countries.


Food for Thinkers: A Crusade Against Waste

When Jonathan Bloom writes about food, he writes about the 40 percent of it we grow and then throw away, uneaten.


Victorian Romance Between Data and Literature

Two historians are charting how frequently words like "God," "love," "work," and "science" appear in turn-of-the-century Victorian literature.


Guess How the Public Feels About Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Yesterday's Pentagon report that service members support repealing "don't ask, don't tell." Nate Silver looks into the public opinion polls.


The BBC to Air Hans Rosling's The Joy of Stats

See a short promo for the new BBC special on data and visualization, hosted by the energetic Swede Hans Rosling.


Super Bowl Stat Madness: The Astounding Numbers Game

Do your self a favor and take a look at this astounding collection of Super Bowl data. You'll get an idea of the massive numbers behind our...