Articles Looking for The Creative Spark That Fuels Innovation? Take a Shower Zachary SlobigJun 24, 2012
Articles How Steve Jobs Pushed Me to Think Different Apple's late leader should inspire us all to take time out and let ourselves think creatively.Ann Friedman10 Oct, 2011
Articles Apple University Will Train Executives to Think Like Steve Jobs A top-secret Apple project will educate executives to think like Steve Jobs.Liz Dwyer09 Oct, 2011
Articles How Steve Jobs Forever Altered Product Design The thing that made Jobs the most innovative was his steadfast belief in design.Dylan C. Lathrop08 Oct, 2011
Articles Apple Needs a New Visionary: Which Innovator Should Succeed Steve Jobs? Apple quickly found a new CEO. But where will it find a new visionary?Tim Fernholz27 Aug, 2011
Articles The Promise of Spaceship Apple With his design for a nature-building hybrid, Sir Norman Foster is swapping out one vision of the world for another.Guy Horton14 Jun, 2011
Articles Ten Commencement Speakers You Wish You'd Had These ten speakers inspired but still kept it real with their audiences, making their graduation speeches memorable years after they were given.Liz Dwyer16 May, 2011
Articles Apple Ranked Dead Last on Pollution, Workplace Safety in China Apple Slammed by Chinese Environmental Groups Apple ranks dead last in supply chain transparency in China. Are they hypocrites or just being singled out?Alex Goldmark23 Jan, 2011
Articles But Who Is Google's Person of the Year? Justin Bieber Tops Everyone on Google Zeitgeist Time got its say on the man of the hour, but whom the world is actually talking about is quite a bit different.Cord Jefferson20 Dec, 2010
Class Dismissed: Eight Successful Entrepreneurs Who Didn't Go to College Getting a college education is always cited as the key to future success, but many successful entrepreneurs managed to make it without a diploma.Rosie SpinksSasha Jones16 Oct, 2010
Articles Steve Jobs Tweaks California's Organ Donation Law Did his experience with user-friendly interfaces help Steve Jobs double the number of organ transplants available in California?Andrew Price09 Oct, 2010
Articles Apple's Missed Opportunity to Think Differently What we can learn from Howard Zinn and the misguided iPad hype. design mind on GOOD is a series exploring the power of design by the editors of...Kristina Loring04 Feb, 2010