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student debt



How History Can Save Millennials' Economic Futures

Millennials could learn a thing or two from the economies of previous decades.


For Many California Students, Harvard Is Now Cheaper Than State Schools

A 300 percent increase in tuition and lackluster financial aid from state schools is making elite private universities look more appealing.


A Student Proposal Could Make a University of California Education Affordable Once Again

Students would be required to pay back 5 percent of their income for 20 years.


Sticker Shock: The Class of 2034 Could Spend $422,320 For Their College Degree

If college costs stay on their current trajectory, private school will be out of reach for many Americans.


Are Complaints About Student Loan Debt Overhyped?

A Columbia University professor found that most student loan recipients owe less than $10,000.


Occupy Student Debt Wants You to Stop Paying Your Loans

"We are drowning in debt with few means of escape," Occupy Student Debt organizers say.


Occupy Colleges Movement Sparks Protests on 150 Campuses

Protesting corporate greed and sky-high tuition, students at over 150 schools marched on Thursday.


Why Are College Textbooks So Expensive?

The national "textbook rebellion" launched last week. So why is your hardback calculus book $200?


New Facebook App Seeks to Simplify Financial Aid Process

A new app for the social media giant hopes to make finding scholarships and filling out the FAFSA a lot easier.