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student loans



Nobel Laureate Gives Jon Stewart Some Bad News About the American Dream

Nobel winner Joseph Stiglitz says the inequality of opportunity we're facing now is worse than it was in Old Europe. American Dream? Dream on.


Most Americans Believe College Is a Right (So What's the Hangup in Congress?)

A deeply divided Congress gives us little hope, but 150 years ago an equally partisan climate produced some of the nation's top public universities.


Have Student Loans? Move to Niagara Falls and They'll Help Pay

With an aging population, the city is luring new college grads by promising to pay up to $7,000 of their student loans.


American Students Need to Copy Canada's Tuition Protests

Quebec's $325 per year college tuition increase seems reasonable, so why are students so bent out of shape? Here's why they're smart to protest.


No Matter Who Wins the Student Loan Fight, Students Will Lose

Congress is squabbling over student loan interest rates, but we really need to reform the system altogether.


How History Can Save Millennials' Economic Futures

Millennials could learn a thing or two from the economies of previous decades.


Americans Went Credit Crazy in November—And That's a Good Thing

Is all that credit card debt really such a good idea?


Occupy Student Debt Wants You to Stop Paying Your Loans

"We are drowning in debt with few means of escape," Occupy Student Debt organizers say.


Could Apprenticeships Replace College Degrees?

Paid on-the-job training and academics—what's not to love?


Is the U.S. at Risk of Having Too Many College Graduates?

South Korea has so many college grads for so few jobs that the president is discouraging students from seeking higher education.


Debt and Degrees: College Grads Owe More Than Ever

The amount of money college grads owe on their student loans just keeps rising.


What Do Obama's Student Loan Reforms Mean for You?

Will the Obama Administration's new student loan reforms help keep more of your paycheck in your pocket? Only if you haven't started college yet.


Beyoncé Parody Brings Pain of Student Loan Debt to Life

Student loan debt giving you the blues? This parody will make you smile.


When Will the Bubble Burst? Student Loan Debt Swells 511 Percent

Remember the housing bubble? If the student loan bubble pops, the fallout could be even worse.


Don't Blame Students for Getting Tricked into Law School

False advertising about job-placement rates may have duped people into taking out massive student loans.


The GOP Plan to Save $40 Billion: Let Rich Alone, Dig Into Students' Pockets

Eric Cantor's new plan to save money involves forcing students to begin paying back school loans before they've even graduated.